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Friday, 2 December 2022

Dear Student!

We would like to help you to organize your tasks at the end of the term, by collecting the most important pieces of information concerning the repeat and exam periods.

If you have any questions about the content of the newsletter or concerning the periods, please contact us at the address.


The most important PERIODS AND DEADLINES:



Exam registration start:

on 18:00 CET, 6th of December, 2022

Repeat period/delayed submission of homework

from 12th to 16th of December, 2022

Examination Period - Part 1

from 19th of December, 2022
to 23rd of December, 2022

Examination Period - Part 2.

from 9th of January, 2023
to 27th of January, 2023

End of the term 2022/23/1

on 31st of January, 2023

Registering for the next term (choosing active or passive status, in NEPTUN)

from 06:00 CET, 1st of December, 2022
to 23:59 CET, 23rd of February, 2023 (Thursday midnight!)



between: 12th – 16th of December, 2022

After the study period, in  case of mid-term grades, and to obtain signatures (for subjects with exams), the academic performance assessments may be corrected, repeated or replaced in this period.

Retakes of mid-term exams: A free-of-charge opportunity shall be provided during the study period, for the retake of the mid-term study activities (failed or incompleted study activity or for purpose of improvement of grade), once in each subject per term (exceptions: using laboratory aids or drawing practice).

Repeated retakes of mid-terms: If the courses’ requirements make it possible, departments may arrange dates and times until the 16th of December, 2022 for repeated retakes of mid-terms in NEPTUN. They have to be registered in the same way as if they were regular exams but an extra fee (repeated retake fee, 4.500.- HUF) is charged. The course requirements can exclude the repeat of certain elements of the mid-term exams. According to the reports of the departments, the repeated retake mid-term fees are inflicted in NEPTUN by the Central Academic Office (CAO) and the deadline to pay the fee is 5 days.

Delayed homeworks: Homeworks can be submitted late until the 16th of December by paying 2.500.- HUF late fee. According to the reports of the departments, homework late fees are charged in NEPTUN by the Dean’s Offices and the deadline to pay the fee is 5 days.


2. RegistRATION for exams:

between: 18:00 CET, 6th of December, 2022 – 23:59 CET, 27th of January, 2023

To register/drop exam dates, please go to NEPTUN/Exams/Exam registration menu, use the filters to set the term „2022/23/1" and „Every subject" then click on the „List exams" button. After choosing the subject and the proper date of the exam, please click the sign „+" (Options) at the end of the line and choose Register/Drop.

You can attend an exam if you have a valid signature of the respective subject (validity of a signature is unlimited unless the course requirement of the corresponding subject regulates it in a different way).

Registration or withdrawal (drop) of exam dates can be done only in NEPTUN, until noon of the previous day. If you have any expired financial liabilities, you are blocked from registering for exams!

To check your liabilities, please go to NEPTUN/Finances/Payment menu, choose the filter „All terms" and „Active status" and click the „List" button.

If you have tuition fee liability outside of the NEPTUN system, please contact your CAO Program Coordinator.

In case of a denied signature, you have to withdraw your registration for the subject's exam you already applied for, otherwise 5.500.- HUF/exam extra fee has to be paid.

If a grade is offered for you in a subject and you accept it then please register for an exam of the subject, so that the grade can be entered into NEPTUN by the department. If you do not register for an exam, your offered grade will not be entered into the system „automatically”, only through a registered exam.

The Department may set an individual exam registration period for the oral partial exam of a comprehensive exam, as well. Exam dates may be advanced by the Department for the Repeat/delayed submission period. This individual exam registration period may end not earlier than 72 hours before the exam / comprehensive exam.



Part 1: 19th – 23rd of December, 2022

Part 2: 9th – 27th of January, 2023


Due to the energy saving measures, it is highly recommended that you follow the updates published on the BME website, in case of any changes in the organisation of the exams and monitoring academic performances. Please be aware of the information sent by the Departments and lecturers as well.

3.1. Improving grades and retaking exams:

The number of repeating exams to improve your grade is not limited during the given term, however, from the third attempt (exams accumulated from 1st of September, 2016) you will be charged an extra fee, which is 4.500.- HUF/exam. It means if you had two exams of the same subject last term, then even for the first one from the same subject this term, you have to pay the above extra fee.

In case of reasonable requests, resits of the repeat exams can be done in front of a committee.

The extra fee for improving a grade or retaking an exam is inflicted in NEPTUN by CAO, but only after entering the grade in the system. The deadline to pay the fee is 3 days.

Your legal relationship with BME will be terminated according to the law if after 1st of September, 2012 you fail 6 times completing the same subject or after 1st of September, 2015 after the 6th registration of the same subject you are unable to collect its credits. The "Request for Equity" (Faculty Chance) can not be used in these cases.


3.2. Deferred exams:

Upon request, in particularly justified cases, students may take a so-called deferred examination after the examination period, based on the decision of the Study Committee of the Faculty (FSC). The reasons given in the request must be supported by a certificate.

An important change is that according to the amendment of the Code of Studies and Exams of BME effective from 2nd of February, 2022, deferred examinations can only be taken within fifteen days after the examination period.

If the application is accepted, the CAO will issue a decision on the authorisation. The decision must be presented to the Department teaching the subject and the date of the deferred examination must be agreed in advance with the Department. The date of the deferred examination will be posted by the Department in NEPTUN, for which a specific examination period will be set. The student can register for the exam in NEPTUN in the same way as for the exams announced during the exam period.

NEPTUN request

opening date

closing date

E013 Request for deferred exam

06:00 CET, 6th of December, 2022

23:59 CET, 27th of January, 2023


3.3. absence from a registered exam DATE:

The student is obliged to appear at the registered exams/comprehensive exams. If your absence from a registered exam is justified and you were not able to sit for the exam or withdraw your registration in time in NEPTUN, then you have to justify your absence directly to the lecturer (in person or in written form) within 8 days of the absence. If the lecturer refuses the justification then you can submit an E999 request to the FSC within 8 days after the refusal.

If your absence on an exam is not justified then you have to pay 5.500.- HUF extra fee.


4.1 Available NEPTUN requests during the Exam Period:

NEPTUN request

opening date

closing date

E011_Request for transferring to another training program, for tuition fee paying students

06:00 CET, 6th of January, 2023

23:59 CET, 30th of January, 2023*

014 Request for extension of the duration of the training program

06:00 CET, 9th of January, 2023

23:59 CET, 27th of January, 2023

E031 Request for passive term

06:00 CET, 16th of October 2022

23:59 CET, 31st of January 2023

* The displayed date is the last date according to the regulations. It is recommended to submit the application after receiving your average for the term. You can request an exceptional averaging of the term after your last grade has been entered into NEPTUN. Please contact your CAO Program Coordinator for extraaveraging of the term.



Departments may record results of the term 2022/23/1 until 14:00 CET, 31st of January, 2023. Please keep track of your results and if you notice any discrepancies or missing grades, then you can use the E006 Request for Discrepancy Elimination in Grade Neptun request to request to enter the grade or modify the previously entered one.

NEPTUN request

opening date

closing date

006 Request for Discrepancy Elimination in Grade

always open

always open



You can apply for a temporary student ID certificate through the 066 Request for student ID certificate Neptun request until 21st ofDecember, 2022 to be issued this year. If the validity of your previously issued certificate expires between 21st of December, 2022 and 4th of January, 2023, please submit your request for a new certificate by the above deadline in Neptun Administration/Requests/Available request forms for a new certificate.

More information about student ID card can be found on CAO’s website.


4.4. OPening hours of Cao

Until 23rd of December, 2022, the opening hours of the CAO will be as published on the website. We will be closed from 24th of December, 2022 to 6th of January, 2023. In the New Year, the first opening hour will be on 9th of January.



In Neptun, the possibility to pay from the Neptun joint bank account system or with Simple Pay will continue during the holidays. The amount(s) transferred to the BME Neptun joint bank account system will only be received on working days, please take this into account when settling your expired debts.

More information about finances can be found on the website.


Wishing you a successful exam period!

BME Central Academic Office (CAO),

Office of International Education


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