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Monday, 10 February 2025   ·   3rd week of Spring term of academic year 2024/2025   ·   Opening hours today: 09:00–15:00
Neptun operating time

00:00 – 04:00 operation

04:00 – 06:00 outage

06:00 – 24:00 operation

For extreme differences see the News.




If your status in Neptun has been changed to “Graduated”, you can get your certificate of Final Exam in the Central Academic Office (CAO) during opening hours by drawing a number for “degree certificate matters for graduated students” from the terminal. You can check your status in Neptun: Studies >> Training data >> Status.

You can see the end of your student legal status in Neptun: Studies >> Training data >> Graduation date.


  • After your status in Neptun has been changed to “Graduated”, CAO has 30 days to issue your Diploma and Diploma Supplement.

  • If your Diploma and Diploma Supplement are ready, you can receive them in the following ways:

  • In person or with authorization at CAO during opening hours, after drawing a number for “Degree certificate matters for graduated students”. Please inquire about your documents at before you come to our office!

  • In person at the graduation ceremony.

    • Please note: it is not possible to have your Diploma and Diploma Supplement mailed (because of safety concerns).



Diploma/Diploma Supplement duplicates can only be requested if the original documents have been lost or damaged. You have to make a statement about why you need a duplicate and the original documents will be invalidated.

In order to receive your Diploma/Diploma Supplement duplicate you have to submit the "027 Request for a certificate" in Neptun, with the filled and scanned order form attached (Annex 1 or Annex 2). In the answer you will receive all the necessary information on the fees and things to do. You can find these forms below and on our website, after choosing the English flag >> downloadable documents

The duplicates will be manufactured with the same content but in the current format.
The service fee for a duplicate is 15 000 HUF to be paid through Neptun.
The manufacturing of duplicates takes about 5-6 weeks.

If you can’t login to Neptun (forgot your Neptun code/password) or you never had a Neptun account then please write to


Receiving a Diploma/Diploma Supplement duplicate is possible in person or with authorization at CAO during opening hours. You will receive all information in the request decision! When coming to pick up your new documents please bring the original order forms with you!

Order form for Diploma Duplicate (Annex 1)

Order form for Diploma Supplement Duplicate (Annex 2)


In order to receive a copy of your Diploma/Diploma Supplement you have to submit the "027 Request for a certificate" request in Neptun with the filled and scanned order form attached (Annex 3 or Annex 4). You can find these forms below and on our website after choosing the English flag >> downloadable documents.  Diploma and Diploma Supplement copies can only be made from the originals!

The manufacturing of the Diploma /Diploma Supplement copies is subject to fee and the fee has to be paid through Neptun. After paying the fee in Neptun you will be called to the CAO during opening hours in the decision of the request. Please DO NOT COME IN for your copies before the acceptance of your request! When coming to pick up your new documents please bring the original order forms  and your original documents with you!

If you can’t login to Neptun (forgot your Neptun code/password) or you never had a Neptun account then please write to

The service fee for the Diploma copy is 10 000 HUF.

The service fee for the Diploma Supplement copy is 10 000 HUF.

Order form for copy of Diploma (Annex 3)

Order form for copy of Diploma Supplement (Annex 4)


To request a copy of your diploma with digital signature please submit the "027 Request for a certificate" in Neptun and choose Copy of Diploma and in the comments please write that you want the copy with digital signature.

Diploma Supplement with digital signatures can not be requested!

Requesting decorative diploma – AGAIN!

Decorative diploma can be requested again at the Central Academic Office. This is possible for those students who graduated at any Faculty and training programme of BME from 2021 on and order it in advance. (For now, the possibility of requesting decorative diploma is not available for those who graduated before 2021.)

Decorative Diploma may be requested in Graduated status by 127 request in Neptun System!

One decorative diploma can be requested per request.


"127_Ordering of Decorative Diploma" requests submitted and paid for until 12:00 14 February, 2025 can be processed and the Decorative Diploma manifactured. The Decorative Diploma will be available for collection in the first week of March.


You may see the information below regarding the order of decorative diploma:

  • size: landscape format (430×315mm (16,9’x12,4’);
  • material: off-white (or cream coloured) low bulk paper;
  • cover: the diploma may be provided in scroll tube;
  • price: it costs 20 000 HUF which is supposed to be paid in one piece. The manufactoring will only start after this payment is fulfilled;
  • duration: maximum 4-6 weeks. There will be a notification from our coordinator in the Neptun System at the request when it is done;
  • receipt: it can be taken in person or by an authorized personnel in CAO during office hours by choosing „Diploma issues”. For an extra fee it can be mailed, as well. In this case the postal and the manifacturing fees will be inflicted together in one amount (inside of Hungary: 4 000 HUF, outside of Hungary: 8 000 HUF). It is important to choose the right option for the inflicted payment in advanced because correction after is not possible (request/ do not request and to where). (More information on authorization can be found in the Downloadable documents section.)

The mailing information must be declared in the request! Providing of the precized postal address is crucial (country, ZIP code, city, street name, house number OR a place you are sure that) for reposting is not an option! Returning mails due to wrong post information may be picking up in CAO in person or by authorized personnel, of course.


Contact information for ordering the decorative Diploma:

Central Academic Office, building R, Entrance Hall during opening hours


Data provision to third party for the purpose of diploma validation:

"Certificate for data in diploma and declaration of consent for transmission" can be found on the website of CAO under For students/ Downloadable documents.  The form must be completed and sent to BME as a document certified by digital signature or AVDH service.

In the special case of a foreign student who does not have a Hungarian Client Gate account if the form cannot be authenticated with an electronic signature, it is possible to submit this document via the request "040_ Presentation of Document" by attaching it as an annex to the request.



Certified copy of Diploma

10 000 HUF

Certified copy of Diploma Supplement (for students graduated before June, 2024)

10 000 HUF

Special request / issue a certificate not covered by Annex 9 to the Implementation instructions 

2 000 HUF

Issuing a copy of a certified transcript (from the black index book used before Neptun)

12 500 HUF

Diploma duplicate and Diploma Supplement duplicate (Diploma Supplement duplicate is for only students graduated before June, 2024)

15 000 HUF

Decorative Diploma

20 000 HUF



If you need your issued BME Diploma to be verified, for example for a job, you have to request it through e-mail at

Please note, that if a third party (e.g.: workplace) asks to verify your diploma they have to have a written authorization from you!



If you want to use a Hungarian degree certificate abroad, you need to go to the following Hungarian authorities for diploma legalizing with stamps:


1. EDUCATION OFFICE (Oktatási hivatal)

Contact information here.

2. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Külügyminisztérium, Konzuli Szolgálat, Hitelesítési részleg)

Information on the legalization procedure of documents to be used abroad here

3. YOUR EMBASSY (if it is required by your country)

Bring your ID/passport on you along with the original diploma and enough money to pay the fee.