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Tuesday, 11 February 2025   ·   3rd week of Spring term of academic year 2024/2025   ·   Opening hours today: 11:00–15:00
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00:00 – 04:00 operation

04:00 – 06:00 outage

06:00 – 24:00 operation

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BME CAO Newsletter on Credit Certificate and Confirmation of Stay for Exchange and Study Abroad Students for Autumn Term of the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Friday, 6 December 2024

Dear Student,

congratulations for hopefully passing all the study period requirements so far and preparing the exam registration period from 18:00 on 3 December and the exam periods between 16 and 20 December, 2024 and between 6 and 24 January, 2025!

Please be informed that you can receive your transcript of records (Credit Certificate) and Confirmation of Stay (if needed) by submitting 027 requests in Neptun for each if

  • all your signatures and grades are entered by your professors into Neptun (you can check them in Neptun under Studies/Gradebook if all requirements of your subjects are Fulfilled) and if
  • you do not have any unpaid (Active) liability in Neptun (please check it under Finances/PaymentTerms: All termsStatus: ActiveList button clicked. If this list is not empty then please pay the listed items in Neptun [please see the details on our website how to pay by bank or credit card or bank transfer]) and if
  • your learning agreement (if you have any) match your subject portfolio in Neptun and is uploaded into Neptun through 040 Presentation of document request (option: Learning agreement of incoming Erasmus+ mobility students).

Please note that your transcript of records will include Neptun codes, names, requirements (exam or mid-term grade), credit points, grades of your registered subjects and dates when you received your grades but will not include any further information (like percentage in all students’ performance, description or content of subjects, etc.). Any further requests (about exams, grades, etc.) please send to your professors.

Please also note that in your transcript

  • 'Unfulfilled' means that in case of a subject where the requirement is 'Mid-term mark' you could not fulfil the midterm requirements (eg. midterm tests, homeworks, projects, etc.).
  • 'No grade' means that in case of a subject where the requirement is 'Exam' you did not even try to pass the exam.

Dear Erasmus+ students! Please note that the above mentioned transcript is not part of your learning agreement (After the Mobility) but issued directly from Neptun and your learning agreement issued by BME will not be completed by the After the Mobility part. If you and/or your home coordinator need a complete learning agreement then please use your home university version matching Neptun.

Since CAO has limited opening hours for you when you can pick up your documents in person at CAO please prefer requesting us to issue your scanned transcript of records to you and/or your home coordinator by submitting a 027 request in Neptun. The issued documents will be digitally signed and attached to your request.  Please note that not requested transcripts of records will not be uploaded into Neptun to Studies/Official notes (and not sent by email or regular or registered mail at all!) automatically.

Please also note that Confirmation of Stay document can also be issued regularly as an attachment to your 027 request in Neptun in which the last day can be at most the day of your last exam + 3 working days.

If you really need any document sent by regular mail then submitting a 027 request in Neptun please request your document sent to a given address. Please note that for any document sent by regular mail the postage fee of 3500 HUF will be charged in Neptun and the document will be sent only after the received fee.

Please also note that documents issued by BME are signed digitally in the lower left corner of the sheets instead of signed by the representatives of the university and they are as valid as the originally signed and stamped ones.

Wishing you successful exam period,

BME CAO, Office of International Education

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