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Tuesday, 11 February 2025   ·   3rd week of Spring term of academic year 2024/2025   ·   Opening hours today: 11:00–15:00
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BME CAO newsletter for students intending to take their final exams in the 2024/25/1 term

Monday, 28 October 2024

Dear Student!

As the Final Exam period approaches, students will also be required to complete several data verification tasks and meet deadlines. In order for the Final Exams to be successful in the current situation, please follow the information of CAO and the Departments organizing the Final Exam more closely! CAO does not have information about how the departments will carry out the actual exams, so PLEASE, turn to them for specific information!


1. Declaration of the intention for the Final Exam

If you intend to take your final exam in the 2024/25/1 term you have to register for your final exam period in Neptun in the Administration / Final exams menu in the following way:

1.1. Registration for the Final Exam

Only those students who have passed the preliminary inquiry and obtained the leaving certificate (absolutorium) for the current term can apply for the final examination period. If you do not meet this condition, you will receive the error message „Only final semester students are allowed to apply. Please contact your coordinator".


Under Administration / Final exams all periods related to your program can be seen. You have to choose the period related to your specialization or the Department where you plan to take your Final Exam. Beside the name of the Final Exam Period the dates and times of the start and end of the period, the module name, the dates and times of the start and end of the Final Exam Registration Period (if the period is open) and a green tick (if you have already chosen the period) can also be seen.

If you have chosen your Final Exam Period then please click the grey „+” (Options) button at the end of the line, in the opening window click the Register/Registration modification button, scroll down in the opening window and click Save to complete your registration.


In the 2024/25/1 term the Faculties have published their Final Exam Registration Periods of the following start and end dates and times:



Start of the Final Exam Registration Period

End of the Final Exam Registration Period

Faculty of Civil Engineering

08:00 CET, 02.12.2024

23:59 CET, 11.12.2024

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

08:00 CET, 18.11.2024

23:59 CET, 08.12.2024

Faculty of Architecture

08:00 CET, 13.12.2024

23:59 CET, 14.01.2025

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering

08:00 CET, 01.11.2024

23:59 CET, 30.11.2024

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

00:01 CET, 04.11.2024

23:59 CET, 09.12.2024

Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering 

06:00 CET, 25.11.2024

23:59 CET, 22.12.2024

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

08:00 CET, 04.11.2024

23:59 CET, 29.11.2024

Faculty of Natural Sciences

08:00 CET, 04.11.2024

23:59 CET, 08.12.2024

1.2. Deregistration from the selected Final Exam Period

It is your Faculty’s’ right to permit you to deregister from an already chosen Final Exam Period.

If the deregistration is permitted, during the Final Exam Registration Period after clicking the grey „+” (Options) button at the end of the Final Exam Period line, in the opening window you can click the Cancel application button. If it is not permitted the Cancel application button is light grey.

If you have a serious reason to deregister from your Final Exam and the deregistration is not permitted by the Faculty or the registration/deregistration period is over, please turn to the Department where you intended to take your Final Exam.

1.3. Final Exam registration at the Department as well

Besides the Final Exam registration in Neptun, Departments can prescribe other ways to inform them about your intention to take your Final Exam. Please be informed about the details (including the exact place, date and time of your Final Exam) at your Department in time.


2. Checking your results in Neptun

After completing the 2024/25/1 term please check if all your results (signatures and marks) are in Neptun correctly. If anything is mistaken or missing please turn to the responsible Department to correct the mistake. In case you have an uncompleted subject, which you do not have to and will not complete, please notify your CAO coordinator.

It is also advised to check your credits, and the 0 credit subjects’ requirements (e.g. physical education, internships, etc.) too.

If you have completed all the subjects necessary for your Final Exam, your status will become „Absolute” (Abszolvált), which means that your legal relationship with the University becomes terminated at the end of the term.


After fulfilling all the study and examination requirements prescribed in the Curriculum, the inspection for obtaining the „Absolute(Abszolvált) status will be held. Due to a large number of Final Examiners and the complexity of the task, as well as the time required, CAO typically performs this inspection in the order of the Final Examination dates.

Pursuant to Section 149 (2) of the BME CoSa Student may be admitted to the Final Examination if the conditions necessary for the issuance of the Diploma exist not later than three working days before the date of the Final Examination.


3. Checking your personal data in Neptun

After checking (and managing) your results in Neptun please check your personal data under My data /Personal information and / Previous qualifications and / Contact information, too. If you can find anything mistaken or missing please correct it, or if you cannot do it please ask for the data to be amended in person by presenting a document containing the correct data.

Prior to the Final Examination Period, based on the documents kept in the student's personal file, the coordinators are also checking the accuracy of the data and in case of questions will contact the students. It is essential that your contact details (telephone number, e-mail) are up-to-date, so please check and update them if necessary. Also, please follow your Neptun and email messages regularly.

Important information about becoming "Absolute" for Scholarship holders!


4. Checking your outstanding liabilities in Neptun

To check if you still have any outstanding liabilities, please select Finances / Payment / All terms and All status then click List. If you can find any unpaid liabilities please pay them as soon as possible because according to BME regulations you are not allowed to take the Final Exam if you have unpaid liabilities.

Furthermore, pursuant to BME regulations, a Student may not be admitted to the final examination if he/she has not returned the assets owned by the University and taken over for his/her use (e.g. a library book).

You can fulfil your liabilities by online bank card payment or by wire transfer.


5. Student ID card

If you obtain your „Absolute" (Abszolvált) status by the end of the term of 2024/25/1 and thus your legal relationship with BME becomes terminated, your Student ID card remains valid until 31.03.2025. After that it will be automatically revoked, you do not need to return your card.

If you are establishing a new legal relationship with BME within the card's validity period (e.g. a BSc/BA Student re-enrols for a new program or for MSc/MA) - and the data on it are still valid then the card remains valid for the original duration of the Student ID card.


6. For those who applied in the 2024/25/1 term higher education admissions process to somewhere:

For students who have passed the Final Exam in the term of 2024/25/1, the University provides a Diploma Certificate, which can be submitted as an official certificate of qualification during the admission procedure.

After the Diploma has been issued, this certificate cannot be provided!

Eligible students can apply for the Diploma Certificate through an 027 request or in person and it can only be issued once.


7. Dates of the Final Exam Period and termination of the legal relationship

At each Faculty, the 2024/25/1 term Final Examination Period is


from 06.01.2025 – to 31.01.2025


Upon obtaining the „Absolute" (Abszolvált) status, the student's legal relationship with the University becomes terminated. Pursuant to Section 67 (1) of the BME CoS, the date of termination of the legal relationship is the last day of the term in which the "Absolute" (Abszolvált) status was obtained. The last day of the autumn term is 31.01.2025, therefore the Student’s legal relationship becomes terminated on 31.01.2025.


The deadline to pass the Final Exam is the second year after the termination of the legal relationship. After that date, a Final Exam can be taken only according to the actual Curriculum if the subject of the final project is still considered up-to-date. If it is not, then a new Thesis project has to be worked out before the Final Exam. After the fifth year of the termination of the legal relationship, the Final Exam is not allowed to be taken anymore.


8. Date, time and place of your Final Exam, attending or absence from the exam


The Department organizing your Final Exam will inform you about the exact date, time and procedure of the exam.

According to BME regulations (Section 151. (4) of the BME CoS), in case you are absent from your Final Exam, you have 8 days to justify your absence at the organizing Department. Unexcused and unverified absence reduces the number of options available for you to pass your Final Exam by one.


9. Who to contact and how to do it

Information about the procedure of the Final Exam can be provided by the Department organizing the Final Exam. You can find the contact details of the Department on their websites.

If you have any other questions and would like to contact your CAO coordinator, you can find (her in Neptun/Studies/Training data – Administrator) information on the CAO website under the About Central Academic Office (CAO) - Colleagues menu.


10. Receiving the Diploma

The condition of issuing the Diploma is the successful Final Exam. Its official deadline is the 30th day after the successful Final Exam.

You will receive further information about how you will be able to receive your Diploma, and how you will be able to request copies (printed or digital) of your documents.

The International Graduation Ceremony expected to be held at the end of February. If your family members need an invitation letter to organize the travel more seamless, please write an email to


Thank you for your cooperation and wishing you a successful Final Exam:


BME Central Academic Office (CAO),

Office of International Education

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